
九游会j9·(中国)真人游戏第一品牌> 词汇术语
  • a : mr.james. i know that office hour is up now, but could you work during the weekend and finish the translations? b : well , unfortunately i have got something to do this weekend. but let me see.....

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 2810

  • woodwind (instrument) 木管乐器 flute 横笛 pipe, shawm 芦笛 harmonica, mouth organ 口琴 oboe 洋埙 bagpipes 风笛 accordion 手风琴 english horn, tenor oboe, coranglais 英国管 clarinet 单簧管 bas...

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 3123

  • a : good morning. are you mr.liu? b : yes. my name is liu lizhi. how do you do ? a : how do you do ? please be seated, how is your trip here? b : quite good, i think . i came here by bus , and ...

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 2862

  • a : have you got the medicine yet? b : yes, i've been given so much, that i simply don't know what to do with it all. a : well , these are for internal use. you take a packet each time. four times ...

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 3019

  • a : it’s a wonderful party , joan, the food, the drink , the atmosphere...everyone is enjoying himself. b : thanks to your help.(raises her wineglass)to our friendship. a : bottoms up! by the way w...

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 2730

  • drum, kettledrum 鼓 tambourine 手鼓 small tambourine 小手鼓 bass drum 低音鼓,大鼓 drumstick 鼓槌 cymbals 铙,钹 xylophone 木琴 vibraphone 颤声器 castanets 响板音乐词汇(6)-北京翻译公司

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 2743

  • a : my wife and i didn't used to spend this much money . b : what's changed? a : my wife has been pregnant for 7 months. b : i see. i guess diapers and baby food are expensive. bringing up childre...

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 2906

  • a : hi, may , i didn't see you at work this morning. are you all right? b : oh, i feel miserable . i've got a bad cold , my head is dizzy and my nose is running. a : oh, i'm so sorry to hear that. ...

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 3042

  • a : are you ready to pay your last respects to the deceased? b : yes, is the service being held at the church? a : i'm just not sure. i'll have to confirm the location with the funeral director. 实...

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 3021

  • interviewer: thank you for agreeing to come in and meet with us today. 感谢您今天能来参加面试。 interviewee: thank you for inviting me. 谢谢你们的邀请。 面试英语(一)-北京翻译公司

    词汇术语 2009年10月15日 2964



