

i18n – internationalization(国际化)

g11n – globalization(全球化)

l10n – localization(本地化)

t9n – translation(翻译)


lisa – the localization industry standards association(本地化行业标准协会)gala – the globalization and localization association(全球化与本地化协会)ata – american translators association(美国翻译协会)tac – translation association of china(中国翻译协会)fit – international federation of translators(国际译联)【本地化日常沟通常用语】

cat – computer-aided translation(计算机辅助翻译)tm – translation memory(翻译记忆库)

mt – machine translation(机器翻译)

td/tdb – terminology database(术语库)

tu – translation units(翻译单元)

ui -- user interface(用户界面)

sw – software(软件)

po – purchase order(采购订单)

doc – documentation(文档)

olh – online help(在线帮助)

dtp – desktop publishing(桌面排版)

jas – job assignment sheet(工作任务单)lqr – language quality report(语言质量报告)tep – translating, editing, proofreading(翻译、校对、审校)bu – business unit(业务单元)


lsp – language service provider(语言服务供应商)slv – single-language service vendor(单语服务供应商)mlv – multi-language service vendor(多语服务供应商)lsdv – language specific dedicated vendor (特定语言专门供应商)gpm – global project manager(全球项目经理)lpm – local project manager(本地项目经理)am – account manager(客户经理)

pm – project manager(项目经理)

ll – language lead(语言主管)

tl – team lead(团队主管)

sme – subject matter expert(主题专家)


btw – by the way(顺便说一下)

asap – as soon as possible(尽快)

ooo – out of office(不在办公室)

pto – paid time off(带薪休假)

eob – end of business(下班前)

eod – end of day(当日)

cc – carbon copy(抄送)

bcc – blind carbon copy(秘抄)


dst – daylight saving time(夏令时)

gmt – greenwich mean time(格林威治标准时间)cet – central european time(欧洲中部时间)est – eastern standard time(美国东部时间)eet – eastern european time(欧洲东部时间)jst – japanese standard time(日本标准时间)本地化 localization(l10n)