
conversation 1

w: hello, this is helen speaking.

m: hello, helen. this is john. how are you?

w: fine, thank you. and you?

m: fine, thanks. i’ll have a party next sunday at home. i’m calling to ask whether you can come or not.

w: oh, wonderful. i’ll be glad to.

m: okay, now you are a famous star.

w: hum, don’t say that. maybe you can do something useful for me.

m: what’s wrong with you?

w: i’ll tell you at the party.

m: okay.

conversation 2

w: hello, is jack there?

m: speaking.

w: jack! it’s rose here.

m: hi, rose. how’s everything?

w: fine, thanks. i’m having several friends over for dinner this saturday. and i was wondering if you have the time to join us.

m: sounds good. what time do you want me to come?

w: is six o’clock okay?

m: that’s fine. i think i can make it. by the way, what will you want me to bring?

w: nothing. just bring yourself.

conversation 3

m: hello, jack here.

w: hello, jack. it’s mary. what are you doing in your office?

m: i’m working. i often work late on thursday. i’m busy this week.

w: would you like to come and have dinner with us on friday?

m: tomorrow? no, i am afraid i won’t be able to. i’m going on business to birmingham.

w: what about saturday?

m: sorry, i never go out on saturday evening. i always watch football on saturday evening.

w: will you come round next tuesday?

m: next tuesday? just a moment. it will be the twenty-first of may? oh, dear. hum, i promised my aunt i’ll be at her birthday party.

w: what do you say next wednesday then?

m: let me see. yes, mary. let’s make it next wednesday.

w: okay. bye.

m: bye.

conversation 4

m: are you free on friday evening because we were wondering if you would like to come round for dinner?

w: oh, thank you very much. i’d like to come, but i’m afraid i’m busy that evening.

m: that’s a pity! then when would it be a good time for you?

w: well, i’m not too sure, actually. i’ve got a lot going on the next couple of weeks. why don’t i call you later?

m: okay, that’s fine.

conversation 5

m: on saturday night i’m going to have a small get-together.

w: good.

m: would you like to come?

w: do you mean this saturday?

m: yes, this coming saturday.

w: thanks for inviting me, jack, but i’ve already made plans for this weekend. i won’t be able to come, i’m afraid.

m: i’m sorry to hear that.

w: yeah, that’s too bad.

m: well, perhaps, another time.

conversation 6

m: it’s very kind of you to invite me to dinner.

w: please sit down and make yourself at home. please don’t stand on ceremony.

m: this dish is really delicious.

w: i’m glad that you like it. this is only the first time that i made it.

m: you’re great. could you say it in chinese?

w: sure, we call it “doufu”.

conversation 7

w: hi, peter. i’m afraid i can’t make it to dinner tomorrow night.

m: oh, why not?

w: it’s just i’m not feeling well. i think i’m coming down with a cold or something.

m: oh, i’m sorry to hear that. hey, don’t worry about the dinner. we’ll do it some other time. but you take care of yourself.

w: thanks. i will.