
miss lewis : i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's that time of year again. have you got your perfomp3ance evaluations finished yet?


mr. lee : oh no! evaluations! you can tell that's not my favorite job; i haven't even started yet. when is the deadline for turning in thecompleted fomp3s?


miss lewis : well, you do still have three weeks. but remember the employee must sign them, too. filling them in is nothing - it's meetingwith the employees that takes so much time.


mr. lee : i never know how to rate the employees' work. of course attendance and productivity are easy, i just look at the sales figures.


miss lewis : so it's the subjective criteria like team buliding and colleague support that you find hard?


mr. lee : exactly! attitude... how do you rate attitude?


miss lewis : i suggest letting each employee fill out his or her own evaluation for those items. then, based on their self - assessment, you can add your comments. it's a great starting point for discussion of their perceptions versus others perceptions of their perfomp3ance.


mr. lee : great idea. and after all, that's the whole point of an evaluation. i almost can't wait to give it a try.
